Real-time visual saliency architecture for FPGA with top-down attention modulation


Biological vision uses attention to reduce the visual bandwidth simplifying the higher-level processing. This paper presents a model and its hardware real-time architecture in a field programmable gate array (FPGA) to be integrated in a robotic system that emulates this powerful biological process. It is based on the combination of bottom-up saliency and top-down task-dependent modulation. The bottom-up stream is deployed including local energy, orientation, color opponencies, and motion maps. The most novel part of this work is the saliency modulation by two high-level features: 1) optical flow and 2) disparity. Furthermore, the influence of the features may be adjusted depending on the application. The proposed system reaches 180 fps for 640× 480 resolution. Finally, an example shows its modulation potential for driving assistance systems.

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Francisco Barranco
Francisco Barranco
Associate Professor

Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering, Automation and Robotics, Principal Investigator at the Applied Computational Neuroscience Group and the Computer Vision and Robotics Lab of the University of Granada.

Eduardo Ros
Eduardo Ros
Full Professor

Full professor in computer architecture, principal investigator at the Computational Neuroscience and Neurorobotics Lab and principal investigator of the VALERIA lab of the University of Granada.